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Writer's pictureAnn Elizabeth

UPDATE ENERGY READING: Healing & Recovery for Divine Soulmates - Twin Flames 10-14-20

This reading is a generalized reading focusing on love, Soulmates, Twin flames & Divine Partners.10/14-20/2018.

If you landed on this reading and it doesn't match up to the dates, this reading was sent to you and is revealing a special message for you.

Watch this video completely to receive the

message from the Angels.

This situation will improve:

Many times when there is a crisis going on with our love relationship, many people will look at the situation as the glass is half empty, this is a card telling you that the situation will improve, you just need to follow your heart and stop thinking negatively. Either way, thinking negative is only going to bring your vibration down and will do nothing with improving your love relationship. It’s time to start opening your heart and loving you for who you are, being your authentic self. This in return will help you find the love that you need in your life. Overall, the situation will improve!

Look for a sign:

You may be seeing numbers, names, feathers, certain signs and other things that pop up out of the blue. This is no coincidence, this is the universe giving you a sign of something about to occur. Whether it be negative or positive, you need to be optimistic and focus on what messages are coming through. There is something important for you to know and the only way that you will understand is to open it with your heart.

Perfect timing:

When things don’t happen on our time, we tend to look at the situation with anxious impulse of energy and feelings. We must open ourselves to our inner truth and see that things happen for a reason and all with a divine timing. It’s important to have patience when it comes to manifesting your dreams and desires.


Healing is necessary in order to come together in the divine union for all soulmates, including twin flames and love relationships.

This is the time to release and surrender all that does not serve any purpose in your life and let go.

What the Venus retrograde, this is mandatory for us to release excess baggage and open our hearts to love. It’s a time when we are feeling the heaviness of past emotions, and it’s a very important time to meditate and do whatever it takes to lift your vibration.

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Watch my Q&A Soulmates and Twinflames Part 1-7 video series.


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