This is a very extreme and intense time for all of us.
Everyone in the Collective has been running on high emotions and the DM knows that it’s time to take a step back and open up to what their inner truth is telling them.
Many have been releasing blocks because of the energy shifts this month. the time to receive and accept, letting go of fear-based energies and all that no longer serves a purpose. New beginnings are on the horizon for both divine masculines and feminines. It’s highly recommended to trust their vibes and intuition, to see inner truth and makes peace with your higher self. It has been a very emotional during this time and it is important to let go.
up and shine is the key for Divine feminines to find peace.
Cards Used:
Crystal angels Oracle cards - Doreen Virtue
Hayhouse Publishing:
Smoky Quartz - Clearing Negativity Azurite - Deep Emotion healing, Topaz - Forgiveness heals Kyanite - Make time for Self care
Angel answers Oracle - Doreen Virtue Hayhouse Publishing: Remain positive, if you believe, the situation will improve, forgiveness.
❤️ If you this reading helped you and would like to buy me a coffee or donate any amount to my channel, it is GREATLY appreciated!! I love you for all your support! It's a POSITIVE energy exchange
VENO: @psychicann
I want to thank you all so much for watching all my videos and I appreciate the support, and welcome all the new subscribers!
❤️ These are messages from the divine, take what resonates with you. You may also want take notes of the messages or revisit this video. Many times we are not open to receive those messages but at a later time, they can resonate with us on a deeper level when we are open to receive.
If you have not received my newsletter over the past few weeks, during mercury retrograde my mailing list data accidentally was deleted. If you would like to be added just send me an email to with "Add me" in the subject line.
For more information on Soulmates and Twin flames, check out my blogs
Cards on my Amazon wish list: