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🔥TWIN FLAMES🔥DM Awakening!💕Embraces Changes 💕Energy Reset Enticesses Union💕Soulmate Reading

This reading is a generalized reading focusing on love, Soulmates, Twinflames & Divine Partners 6/30-7/6/2019

Every storm must Pass

Emotional challenges

Divine masculines have been reflecting a lot about their past situations and what they must change.

This can create an unbalance with emotional storm deep inside their soul center and is creating them to step up and reveal their authentic self.

Embracing change

Awakened spirit 

Awakenings are about to happen for both divine masculine and feminines. As the energy shifts into a new season and eclipses along with  mercury retrograde that is all happening now.


Reset your energy

Spirit messages

it inspires DM and DF to start embracing new beginnings and changes. Causing a reset vibration, this entices emotional energy and divine union.

Self love

Eternal union

Divine feminines understand that self-love is important, but do they really express self-love? There is an eternal love that they feel for themselves but they don’t seem to acknowledge it enough in order to practice it.

This is the time for divine feminines to stand up for themselves and start opening up their hearts to what they want and express love and gratitude for their higher self.

This will automatically bring to feel their inner truth, seeing things differently and enticing an eternal union with their divine Soulmate.

If you landed on this reading and it doesn't match up to the dates, this reading was sent to you and is revealing a special message for you.

Watch this video completely to receive the

message from the Angels.

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Sacred Spirit oracle cards

Anna Stark and Louis Dyer

(Rockpool publishing)

Teen Angel oracle cards

Rita Pietrosanto

(Blue Angel Publishing)

If you would like to purchase these cards click the link below

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Watch my Q&A Soulmates and Twinflames Part 1-7 video series.


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